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Keine Stornierung von Online-Tickets möglich!
12,00 €
6,00 €
Persons entitled to a discount are: Pupils and trainees over 16 years of age, Students, Recipients of ALG II, Asylum seekers, Persons in the Federal Volunteer Service or FSJ, Holders of the Dresden Pass, Holders of the Ehrenamtspass, Severely disabled persons with a degree of disability of 50% or more
45,00 €
9,00 €
for groups of 11 or more adults
0,00 €
Children & youth under 17 years have free admission to the Hygiene-Museum, but need a ticket.
Only following persons can choose “free admission” tickets: holders of DHMD Partner-Jahreskarte, holders of the “Familienpass des Freistaates Sachsen”, members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), members of Czech Association of Museums and Galleries, attendant for persons with severe disabilities (80 percent or more, H or B). The respective card is checked at the entrance together with the tickets.